Showing 1 - 5 of 5 Results
High Performance Computing Hipc 2003 10th International Conference, Hyderabad, India, Decemb... by Pinkston, Timothy Mark, Pra... ISBN: 9783540206262 List Price: $89.95
High Performance Computing, Hipc 2002 9th International Conference, Bangalore, India, Decemb... by Sahni, Sartaj, Prasanna Kum... ISBN: 9783540003038 List Price: $106.00
20th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (Sbac-p... by Cáceres, Edson Norberto, Ci... ISBN: 9780769534237 List Price: $180.00
Parallel Architectures and Algorithms for Image Understanding - V. K. Prasanna Kumar - Hardc... by Prasanna Kumar, V. K. ISBN: 9780125640404 List Price: $82.00